National Coming Out Day was started in 1988 and has since been observed annually to celebrate the act of “coming out” and to raise awareness of the issues LGBT people continue to face.
Because although we have come a long way, there is still a way to go, as Human Rights Campaign noted today.
As more and more people continue to speak their truth, we’re inching closer to a day where no LGBT person ever feels compelled to hide who they are out of fear. National Coming Out Day is helping us reach that moment.
All day, members of the LGBT community have been celebrating the day on the hashtag #NationalComingOutDay.
Some have recollected their own “coming out” stories, while others have used it as a platform to remind others that it gets better.
But some gas tickets — presumably the same people who ask “Why isn’t there an International Men’s Day?” on International Women’s Day — have decided to hijack the #NationalComingOutDay hashtag to “come out” as straight.
Word to the wise: don’t do that.
Have a little bit of self-awareness and recognise that you don’t need to make everything about you — particularly an event designed to celebrate a minority group that has historically endured a lot of prejudice and discrimination.
We live in a society where it’s automatically presumed everyone is straight, hence the reason for the whole “coming out” process in the first place.
As a straight person, you enjoy the privilege of never having to go through the process of “coming out” to your family, friends and society at large.
So you can see why butting in on a hashtag to “come out” as straight could be construed as insensitive and just a tad stupid.
In short? Look through the hashtag by all means — perhaps you’ll gain an insight into what the process of opening up about one’s sexuality can be like.
But for the love of God, don’t come out as straight.
Thank you.